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MaBerliner &Friends al Bolognini

Domenica 9 febbraio alle ore 17.30 al Piccolo Teatro...

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MaBerliner &Friends al Bolognini

Domenica 9 febbraio alle ore 17.30 al Piccolo Teatro...

Alla San Giorgio di Pistoia la tavola rotonda “Ordine e disordine urbano: alla ricerca di un linguaggio comune”

Organizzato da Associazione Stampa Toscana in collaborazione con Araba...

Editore: Giorgio Tesi Editrice srl

The Monograph of the Genus Cornus


The book contains descriptions of 620 varieties of the genus Cornus with details on species, varieties, hybrids, and cultivars on five continents. Of international scientific interest, this book contains the work of such leading international Cornus experts as Dr. Elwin Orton and Prof. Molnar, Rutgers University, New Jersey (USA) as well as Professor Klymenko of the Academy of Sciences in Kiev, Ukraine. In preparing the work, the author André Gayraud enlisted the help of botanist Annie Claude Bolomier.

Discover Pistoia

Giorgio Tesi Editrice srl

The Monograph of the Genus Cornus

Autor: André Gayraud
Publisher: Giorgio Tesi Editrice srl
Features: 2013, 223 Seiten, 21×29,7
Language: English
Translations into 6 languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese
Cover Price: € 50,00 Promotion € 25,00 Shipping included

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