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MaBerliner &Friends al Bolognini

Domenica 9 febbraio alle ore 17.30 al Piccolo Teatro...

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MaBerliner &Friends al Bolognini

Domenica 9 febbraio alle ore 17.30 al Piccolo Teatro...

Alla San Giorgio di Pistoia la tavola rotonda “Ordine e disordine urbano: alla ricerca di un linguaggio comune”

Organizzato da Associazione Stampa Toscana in collaborazione con Araba...

Tag: Valdinievole


The Poggetto

Jewel for the protection of health and for the pleasure of the senses in Pieve a Nievole. Gym, wellness, aesthetics, relaxation areas and outdoor workouts...

It all began with a miracle

Devotion and art in Monsummano Terme The church of Maria SS. della Fontenuova was the first building in “lower” Monsummano. The original heart of the...

From Leonardo da Vinci to Pinocchio

The territory from Vinci to Collodi told in the words of Nori Andreini Galli. The Valdinievole becomes calm and exulted at every bend in the river...

Castles of the Valdinievole: a journey through history

The Svizzera Pesciatina, Massa e Cozzile, and a charming farmhouse – the ideal vacation for two in Tuscany. The Valdinievole area makes a great impression...

Paths along the water

On foot or by bicycle a different way to experience the plain. Outdoor activities have always been the most effective way to learn and to...

Vellano, a history of miners and quarrymen

Publio Biagini’s passion for mines. In the Valleriana hills north of Pescia, Publio Biagini has set up the Historical Ethnographic Museum of Miners and Quarrymen...

Pop universe in Montecatini Terme

Permanent exhibition among the tables, chairs, and counters of his restaurant. Aleandro Roncarà, an artist born in 1967, lives and creates his own works in...

Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum

Treasure-trove of Baroque art and scholarship. Recognized in July 1666 by Pope Alexander VII (Chigi), the Canons’ Library in Pescia resulted from the bequest of...

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febbraio, 2025

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Don't miss

MaBerliner &Friends al Bolognini

Domenica 9 febbraio alle ore 17.30 al Piccolo Teatro...

NATURART 50 presentato a Palazzo Blu a Pisa

Sabato 15 febbraio alle ore 16 nella suggestiva cornice...

Pininfarina alla Biblioteca San Giorgio

Negli stabilimenti pistoiesi nel corso del tempo sono stati...

Porrettana Express è magico!

Scorci unici sull’Appennino, boschi incontaminati abitati da animali selvatici,...