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Pop universe in Montecatini Terme

Permanent exhibition among the tables, chairs, and counters of his restaurant.

Aleandro Roncarà, an artist born in 1967, lives and creates his own works in his house-studio-restaurant in Montecatini Terme. His art meets the green of Pistoia via a graphic illustration created expressly for the pages of Naturart. A large tree surrounded by forms and figures from Aleandro’s repertoire: stars, hearts, arrows, power sockets, and other characters that are part of his Mondo Rondo. “It is an imaginary world,” says Roncarà, “where the characters depicted in my paintings are found. My first painting was inspired by a comic book from the 1960s and I decided to do it, pushed mostly by my daughter.”

Almost certainly, the bond with his children Carlotta, Lupo, and Brando is the secret of Roncarà’s success:   “My three children are my main source of inspiration.

They are always the first to see my creations and I am always comparing myself to them before presenting my works to the public.”  Becoming a professional artist after he was forty years old, Roncarà started to exhibit the paintings on the walls of his restaurant in Montecatini Terme: an unusual but effective showcase because, in a few years, he has managed to acquire a lot of visibility and recognition.

In a short time, his colorful compositions have also become fabrics for bags and armchairs. Walking around with him in his living and working areas, we find works hanging behind restaurant tables, sculptures on counters, dozens of ready or nearly ready paintings stacked on the stairs leading to his home on the first floor.

Here, too, is an exhibition of colorful canvases signed by the artist with the initials IHO – I Hate Roundabout – which refer to Pop Art, Street Art, the world of comics, and Art Toys. Roncarà primarily uses acrylic paints to capture our attention: children like his works a great deal, intrigued by the creativity of the compositions and the color combinations that are typical of his style. Roncarà continues, “At the moment, I’m throwing myself into the Centomini character and I’ve made a small cast-aluminum sculpture at the Salvadori foundry in Pistoia. The idea is to create a version more than two meters tall and perhaps a series of art-toys. “

After exhibiting in Rome, London, Kiev, and many other places, the Montecatini artist’s works will be hosted in 2013 at prestigious exhibitions in the cities of Spoleto, Florence, Milan, and Moscow. However, the permanent exhibition will be the same as always … among the tables, chairs, and counters of his restaurant.



Emanuel Carfora


Nicolò Begliomini


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luglio, 2024

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Discover Pistoia
Discover Pistoia
Sfoglia Discover Pistoia, Urban Magazine mensile gratuito a cura della Redazione di Naturart e pubblicato da Giorgio Tesi Editrice, disponibile nelle edicole del territorio il primo sabato del mese in abbinamento gratuito al quotidiano LA NAZIONE, online e in numerosi punti di distribuzione.

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